Minggu, 11 Maret 2012


"hi....everybody????how are you today?? are you okay?i hope so... are you happy? i hope so.." pasti kata-kata ini sudah tidak asing lagi bagi kalian semua yang sering browsing or watching youtube...yah..these words belong to Mr. Duncan ?? siapakah dia?? dia itu salah satu guru bahasa inggris terbaik yang tinggal di England dan youtube merupakan salah satu wadah baginya untuk berbagi pengetahuan tentang bahasa inggris.
banyak orang yang berkata bahwa jika seseorang ingin pandai berbahasa inggris maka harus memorize banyak vocabulary..is it true?? no, itu sama sekali tidak benar...why is that? karena because tidak pernah never...heheh no, iit was a joke...itu karena walaupun kalian punya vocabulary yang banyak but kalian jarang watching or listening in english pastinya all the vocabulary are useless,benar kan??pastinya...benarr :D

so.....what's the solution?? here is the video you may download : ASK MISTERDUNCAN 1 , ASK MISTERDUNCAN 2, ASK MISTERDUNCAN 3

selebihnya bisa di download sendiri di sini dan untuk mendownload dengan cepat gunakan IDM ( internet download manager ) bagi yang belum punya bisa di download di sini


Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012


Habibie's Game Online

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The University Of Makassar, UNM for short had been celebrated the prestigious competition, it's so-called 'English Battle' on the theme of " UNITY and HARMONY ". There were five items who had being joined by the all participants, they were Writing Competition, Story Telling, Debate Competition, Speech Competition, and Spelling Bee.

here is...... THE DEBATE FINAL OF ENGLISH BATTLE 2012 !!!!

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

siapa salah?? "TATE' "

ada yang aneh dikalangan siswa-siswi angkatan 3 smada, kata " siapa salah?? TATE' " sudah meraja lelah dan bahkan hampir setiap hari diungkapkan oleh mereka semua. Setiap kali mereka bercanda pasti kata " siapa salah?? TATE' " disisipkan masuk ke percakapannya. kata "siapa salah?? TATE' " sudah menjadi lelucon yang sangat famous bagi mereka. apa latar belakang munculnya kata "siapa salah??TATE' " dikalangan siswa-siswi angk. 3 smada?? inilah penyebabnya, Alam firdausi "itu i panji sama i adnan maing-maingngi waktu bimbel biologi,sibilang-bilangi ceritanya....truss bilangmi panji 'siapa salah??TATE'...dari situmi pertama keluar itu kata kemudian merambami ke kelas lain bede'...terkenalmi tawwa Tate'... "
siapakah Tate' itu??? Tate' merupakan anak cerdas dari kelas X aljabar, anak yang bernama lengkap MUHAMMAD MAULANA DAENG RATE' ini sangat terampil di bidangnya, ia tak menyangka bahwa ia dapat terkenal seperti sekarang ini.. "bersyukur ka' sama ini kata2 karena terkenalka gara2 itu gang..." kata Tate'.
itulah sekilas tentang hal menarik dari kami....bagi yang ingin meng-implement kata ini....DIPERBOLEHKAN byeee... :D

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

cucuru bayao (tello)

             cucuru bayao (tello)

Indonesia is a country which has a beautiful location,lots of traditional foods,and of course consist of many ethnics.Indonesia is separated into 34 provinces and Each provinces have their own culture in which to show the caracteristics of such provinces each.Nowdays,Indonesia is a country that still use some traditional cultures.for instance,in south Sulawesi that it is one of province of Indonesia and more precisely in Pangkep regency there is a wedding party that is held by Buginese ethnic in particular.Talking about Buginese’s wedding party,it is very  interesting party and for more detail such party has a meaning in itself toward buginese people.In that wedding party consist of any traditional activities such asMappacci and Mappasiewa ada.
In much more depth,like the other wedding party in commonly,it has a lot of equipments but the difference is every equipment has a beautiful meaning toward the bride and the bridegroom.What are those equipments?you surely wanna know them,unfortunately in this book only one of them is going to be described as detail as possible,it is Cucuru Bayao that is one of cake is in such party.Obviously,there still are many cakes like the other party in commonly but this book only focuses describe about Cucuru Bayao.The reason why this book is only describing about Cucuru Bayao is simply one,it’s because you’ll only find the original Cucuru Bayao in Buginese’s wedding party not in another parties and of course not at another place.The point is Pangkep regency and Buginese’s wedding party are the right place to find the originalCucuru Bayao.
As this book explained above Cucuru Bayao has a meaning in itself especially toward buginese ethnic.Actually,such meaning is taken from every part of Cucuru bayao itself.Cucuru bayao formed chircle,it is golden,and is very sweet taste.It is maken so on purpose in order to distinguish among buginese ethnic and another ethnics.Now firstly lets take a good look at the way it’s formed,why does it must be circle?the answer is Buginese ethnic has been expecting that circle is symbolized as an unity of Buginese ethnic itself that is never ever be apart.Secondly,lets take a good look at it’s colour,does it must be golden? The answer is “yes,it must be so”,if it’s not it can’t be called Cucuru Bayao.The golden of it is symbolized as the sun,because the sun symbolizes prosperity and safety.The last lets take a good look at it’s taste,why does it must be sweet?in order to make a sweet taste then Cucuru Bayao is given much sugar.So the answer of such question is sweet taste symbolizes how beautiful and sweet buginese ethnic is.
From all of the statements above,there are many evidences can prove Cucuru Bayao as the typical cake of buginese ethnic,in Pangkep regency.So,needless to say cucuru bayao is truly typical or traditional cake of buginese ethnic who live in Pangkep regency.

The tradition of Ma'bissu

Bissu is one of the five genders of the Bugis, Sulawesi Selatan, an Indonesian ethnic group. There are divergent theories regarding the definitive origins and meaning of "gender transcendent", as the bissu are commonly called.
To be considered bissu, all aspects of gender must be combined to form a whole. This can include those who are born hermaphroditic as well as other cases. Being bissu does not necessarily mean one does not possess fully functioning sexual organs appropriate to the person's gender or male or female.
The unusual inter-sexual role of the bissu is not exclusively connected to anatomy, but to their point in the Bugis culture, their gender-less (or all all-encompassing gender) identity and their exhibit of many types that can not be accurately allocated to any one sex.
This can be observed in the bissu’s attire. The bissu dresses in a type of garment that is not worn by any other sex and which incorporates both "female" and “male” qualities, which explains why bissu cannot be termed transvestites or cross-dressers, as they are only permitted to wear the garment which is appropriate for their given gender caste.
The bissu are typically sought advice from when a particular approval from the powers of the batin world is required. This may, for example, be the situation when a Bugis person is departing Sulawesi for the Hajj, the compulsory pilgrimage to Makkah. In that situation the bissu will permit an excellent djinn to seize zir and to proceed as an emissary of the batin.
This is not in keeping with traditional Islam, but it has been endure by the regional Muslim establishment, on condition that it does not comprise any act that is evidently in opposition to the Sharia. In this exceptional case, it means that the spirit and the Bissu's powers should not be measured as in any way autonomous from Allah’s power, because he is the only one who is to be venerated.
In daily social life, the bissu, along with the ''calabai'' and the ''calalai'', are authorized to enter the women’s parts of the dwellings and villages in addition to the men's.
Calabai is one of the five genders (if you include bissu), of the Bugis. According to the Bugis gender system, a calabai is a 'false woman'. So, to be a calabai, the person would be a biological man, but, in every other aspect, a woman. However, not being a woman, they do not consider themselves so, and neither do others. Nor do they want to become women. But they are not men either, and have created a special place for themselves within Bugis society.
"If there is to be a wedding in Bugis society, more often than not calabai will be involved in the organization. When a wedding date has been agreed upon, the family will approach a calabai and negotiate a wedding plan. The calabai will be responsible for many things: setting up and decorating the tent, arranging the bridal chairs, bridal gown, costumes for the groom and the entire wedding party (numbering up to twenty-five), makeup for all those involved, and all the food. Rarely did I attend a village wedding with less than a thousand guests. On the day, some calabai remain in the kitchen preparing food while others form part of the reception, showing guests to their seats." Said Sharyn Graham
Calalai is a term in the gender system of the Bugis. It denotes a masculine female or a "false man": a person with the anatomy of a woman but with the sexuality, roles, occupations, and habits of a man. As they do not want to be an actual male, and are not considered to be a male by themselves or others, they have been given a separate designation.